A short, uneducated young man is less likely to be invited on a date. In the minds of consumers, Unitel has created a strong connection in green, and Mobicom with Rokit Bay. Nandin-Erdene.B founder of “Axon Neurolab” LLC, teacher of University of Finance and Economics Facial expression analysis Nandin-Erdene.B founder of Axon Neurolab, a lecturer at the Institute of Finance and Economics is participating in the “Saturn's Guest” broadcast to discuss the concept of marketing and modern development. Two participants, a football fan and a non-football fan were selected for the competition. During the competition was recorded using a screen camera and an EEG device. This video compares the different eye movements and focus of the two participants. Happy New Year to all Axiom Inc and Axon Neurolab clients. Eye tracking and Facial expression devices have been used to determine the reasons for users to use online services for Khan Bank and XAC Bank websites. Organizations face challenges in managing the global outbreak of COVID-19 and its impact. Although different situations and challenges arise depending on the location of the organization, the nature of the industry in which it operates, and the maturity of the business, it is important to implement sound management policies and wise steps in the short term. Interview given by Delgersaikhan.J, an economist, a consultant at Axiom Inc and a lecturer at UFE Шинэ оны босгон дээр танил захирлуудын олонх нь ирэх оны бизнес төлөвлөгөөгөө батлуулчихсан удахгүй ‘алаад өгнө’ гэсэн өөдрөг эрмэлзэлтэй халуун оронд явж байсан. Гэнэт л хөл хорио тогтоогоод эхлэхэд зарим нь ч сүртэй хүлээж авахгүй удахгүй хэвийн болно гэсэн хүлээлттэй байсан бол зарим нь тодорхой нөлөө үзүүлсэн ч 2003 оны САРС-ын дайтай л нөлөөлнө гэсэн бодолтой байсан биз. As the election campaign draws to a close, i wanted to write something about political marketing for young politicians. Even i don't have much experience in this field, i have done a couple of political studies and read political marketing literature. Doctor of Economics. Professor, Department of Economics, University of Finance and Economics. Consultant teacher of Axiom Inc. Articles by Batsukh.Ts Funded by the Government of Australia, the Australian Scholarship Program in Mongolia, in partnership with the Zorig Foundation, organizes the Women's Leadership 2020 Program each year. This year, under the "Promoting Gender Equality in the Private Sector" project, Axon Neurolab LLC implemented the "Gender in the Workplace" project with the standard and official approval of the Workplace Gender Equality Agency of Australia. Watch the research video "Defining Equality". Here is an article published on December 17, 2019. The President of Mongolia issued a decree suspending the rights of 17 judges. J. Oyuntungalag, Chief Judge of the Capital City Court of Civil Appeals, whose name is included in the list of 17 judges, does not accept the President's decision and has appealed to the law enforcement agencies for self-examination. Focus on 95% of your customers' brains. Don't try to sell at 5%. What are the problems you face when trying to your business successful? Answer from “Business_Diagnosis” Here are the results of a poster analysis conducted in 2019 by researchers of “Axon Neurolab” LLC and students of SEZIS Ts.Badmaarag and T.Gaamaa. The study involved a total of 50 students from the University of Finance and Economics - 25 male and 25 female students. On the video, 10 randomly picked Gen Zs were asked about 10 politicians who they are and what they do, made by TYST Entertainment and Axon Neurolab behavior research company. Gerelmaa.D, a lecturer at the Institute of Finance and Economics and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gobi JSC, participated in the Special Guest Interview for Startup Terminal. Gender equality in the workplace in the private sector was determined using a comprehensive Workplace Gender Equality Agency Australia’s methodology by identifying current policies, rules, regulations, standards and practices in the private sector in Mongolia Here are the results of an interesting experiment conducted during the “Snapshot in Neuromarketing” training by Axon Neurolab LLC. The experiment was performed using the internationally-accepted visual memory test method.