The time when the teacher reads first and speaks to the students is over

How many years have you been teaching?
-After graduating from the University of Finance and Economics /UFE/ in 2003 with a degree in marketing management, i was invited to remain a teacher at the school. Thus, starting from the new school year of 2003-2004, I was 21 year old guy started teaching who was two steps away from the syllabus almost forgot how to speak (laughs). I would like to apologize to the students of that time, saying "I'm sorry if I didn't teach well." After working for two years, I began to understand the market of my profession. I taught Marketing and Human Resources for the firts time.

- I have heard that you are well known in the industry for initiating the first multimedia course?
- After teaching for several years, I understood my profession well. In 2008, i released a DVD on Marketing Management, Marketing Research, and Sales Management to make our teaching methods more innovative. These tutorials are now available on Youtube. Several teachers told me that DVD lessons were very useful. One young teacher said, "I used to listen to your CD before the class."

- Did you get a master's degree from the Australian National University?
- Yes. I have defended my master's degree twice. First earned a master's degree in business administration from the Institute of Finance and Economics. I taught for five years and found a way, but it didn't make sense to be like a frog here. My responsibilities increased because of my a new born baby, i wasn't a single guy anymore. I wouldn't be able to sleep If I didn't study abroad. Then i told Mr.Batjargal who was director of UFE, “I want to go abroad and learn English. Please support the tuition fee. ” The teacher was being quietly.
Нөгөө DVD хичээл гарч, хүмүүст гайгүй хүрсэн бололтой. Батжаргал багш “Сургалтын төлбөрийг чинь даая, нэмж цалинг чинь өгье, сураад ир” гэсэн. Малайзын English language school /ELS/-д долоон сар сураад ирсэн. Хэл сурахад сургуулиас өгсөн дэмжлэг миний амьдралд их тус болсон. 2009 онд сургуульдаа буцаж ирээд Оюутны хөдөлмөр эрхлэлтийг дэмжих төвийн эрхлэгч хийж байхдаа IELTS-ын шалгалт өглөө. Дотроо ч айдастай л байлаа, тэгсэн харин гайгүй 7 оноо авчихсан. Тэр үед хоёр сургуульд материалаа өглөө. Фулбрайт-д зургаан хүн авахаас наймд ороод жаахан сэтгэлээр уначихсан байтал Австралийн тэтгэлэгт найман хүн авахаас зургаад орж, 2010 онд Австралийн үндэсний их сургууль/ANU/-д маркетингийн удирдлагаар хоёр жил сурсан.

The DVD lessons came out and seemed to reach people well. Mr.Batjargal told me "I will pay your tuition fee also increase your salary, study well and return." I studied at the English language school (ELS) in Malaysia for seven months. The support I received from UFE helped me a lot in my life. When I returned to the university in 2009, I took the IELTS test while working as the director of the Student Employment Support Center. I was scared inside but I got 7 points. At that time I submitted my materials to two schools. I was a little disappointed when i was eight out of six at Fulbright, but was six out of eight on an Australian scholarship. I studied marketing management at the Australian National University (ANU) for two years from 2010.

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